Saying Verbs Ending in ing is an app designed to provide practice for people with aphasia and brain injury who have trouble recalling words. The program uses speech recognition to challenge users to say a sentence using present progressive verbs. The user clicks the microphone icon and an animation is displayed representing an action as well as a sentence missing a present progressive verb (ends with ing). An example is an animation of a man cooking and the sentence cue The man is _____. The user must say the complete sentence filling in the missing verb, for example: The man is cooking. The apps speech recognition engine evaluates what the user says. If it is correct the user is provided positive reinforcement. If incorrect, the user is provide with a cue consisting of the infinitive form of the verb like to cook and the user is given another try. On a second incorrect response the user is provided the answer. There are 60 animations. Each lesson consists of 10 random animations. At the end of a lesson a progress report is presented. This app works offline.